Government and Governance

12:00 AM BS Biology-PM 3A 0 Comments

Governance: Meaning, Importance, Parameters, and Threats
What is governance?
Governance is the execution and exercise of authority to manage a nation's affair for the common good or benefit of the people. The importance of government is it is geared to the advancement of the public welfare. This provides security and justice, as well as social, physical, economic, and cultural advancement for the well-being of the people. 

Governance should not solely be about the management of a nation's affair rather it has to embody the following characteristics or elements in order for it to be proper. It has to incorporate the following:

Rule of Law: Good governance requires fair legal frameworks that are enforced by an impartial regulatory body, for the full protection of stakeholders.

Transparency: This means that information should be provided in easily understandable forms and media; that it should be freely available and directly accessible those who will be affected by governance policies and practices.

Equity: This is the quality of being fair and impartial that a government shall possess.

Accountability: It is the key tenet of a good governance. Who is accountable for what should be documented in policy statements. In general, an organization is accountable to those who will be affected by its decisions or actions.

Participation: Involvement of both men and women, either directly or through legitimate representatives, is a key cornerstone of good governance.

Pluralism: The diversity encompassed within a government or political body which permits peaceful coexistence of different interests, convictions, race, religion, and lifestyles.
(Reference: Good Governance Pro) 
However, even if a government encompasses these parameters, good governance can be threatened if there is corruption, violence, or poverty.  

Forms of the Government

What are the different forms of the government?

The government can be identified as to the number of persons executing the authority, as to the extent of powers exercised by the central and federal government, and as to the relationship of between the executive and legislative branches of the government:

As to the number of persons exercising the sovereign power:

Monarchy - It is the form of government in which one person holds the supreme power. It has two kinds: the absolute monarchy that is characterized by the monarch ruling by divine right and the constitutional monarchy which is limited or restrained by laws or the constitution. 

Aristocracy - It is a government ruled by the few elites or privileged upper class. When the ruling elites become abusive the form of government becomes an oligarchy.

Democracy - It is the government by the people. A form in which he supreme power is vested upon the majority of people. It has two kinds, the direct or pure democracy that is the will of the people is expressed directly by them or repuublican or representative democracy in which the people elect representatives. If the people became abusive of this form, the government is called mobocracy.

As to extent of powers exercised by the central government:

Unitary - The central government controls both the national and local affairs of the country.

Federal - The powers are divided into separate units. Each unit is supreme over its own sphere.  

As to the relationship of executive and legislative branches:
Parliamentary - The legislative and executive branches are dependent upon each other or unified. The state confers upon the legislature the power to terminate the tenure of office the the executive.

Presidential - The two organs or branches are independent from each other.

Transition of Philippine Government

The transition of the Philippine Government-- 

In the present, the Philippine government is both a democratic and republican one as to the number of persons exercising power. As to the extent of power and relationship between the executive and legislative branches, the Philippine government is unitary and presidential in form, respectively.

The infographics above shows the transtion of the Philippine government from the Pre-Colonial Era to the present republic which is the Fifth Philippine Republic, highlighting the important events in the transition.

Disclaimer: The following icons and layouts used in the infographics were provided by an infographic generator, Canva. The infographics were created using Canva. The information presented in the infographics are all from the lecture materials provided by Ma'am Acosta, a faculty of the College of Arts and Humanities of Palawan State University.

Disclaimer: The content of this blog post, unless credited to a website referenced at the end of the topic, is provided by the following people: Noemi Camaso, Ashnifa Amer, Monica Joyce Sespene, Karlheen Liza Sagad, Gilbert Taludo and Hugo based on the lecture materials provided by the professor.

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